








Application Process

At Making Waves Academy, we take pride in ensuring that our recruitment process is thorough and provides multiple opportunities for our team to get to know applicants and applicants to learn more about our school. As an applicant, you can anticipate an inclusive process that encompasses various stages designed to identify exceptional talent perfectly suited to support our school community. In general, the application process for most roles includes the following:

STEP 1: Application Submission

Submit an application on our careers page for any position that fits your skillset and experience. As part of the application, you will be asked why you are interested in working at Making Waves Academy. We strongly encourage candidates to use this portion of the application to help us understand why our school is a good fit for you.

STEP 2: Talent TeaM Initial Interview

Candidates invited to an initial interview will engage with a member of our Talent Team via Zoom to discuss your interest in Making Waves Academy as well as relevant skills and experiences that you can bring to the role and our school. Interviews will last 30 - 45 minutes, depending on the role.

STEP 3: Hiring Task

Hiring tasks at MWA are designed to help us assess your skills and to help you get a better understanding of the role you're applying for. Hiring task time commitments and content vary by role.

STEP 4: Hiring Manager Interview

Hiring manager interviews take place via Zoom and typically last about 45 minutes. This is your opportunity to get to know your future manager and to learn more about the specifics of the role. This is also a great time to ask position-specific questions to help you determine if the role is a good fit for you.

STEP 5: In-Person Interview & Campus TOur

Candidates who successfully complete the hiring manager interview will be invited to an interview at our school. During your time on campus, you will meet with a panel of MWA staff members and also take a tour of our campus. Teaching candidates will also teach a sample lesson while on-site. For school-based roles, candidates will also complete a final interview with our school principal, Dr. Tameka Jackson. This interview will either take place during the on-site interview or afterwards via Zoom with the goal of allowing candidates and Dr. Jackson to get to know each other and further gauge if MWA and the role are a good fit.

STEP 6: reference Checks

Before making an offer, our team will request contact information for three professional references (two current/former supervisors and one colleague). 

STEP 7: Offer

If an offer is being extended, our Talent Team will first call you with a verbal offer. Then, you will receive a written offer from MWA's Human Resources Department. Once you accept the written offer, we will begin the onboarding process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Mission and Values

Making Waves commits to rigorously and holistically preparing students to gain acceptance to and graduate from college to ultimately become valuable contributors to the workforce and their communities.

We combine our intellect and critical thinking to support each other and make healthy choices for ourselves and positive changes in our community.


We are agents of change, who, through hard work and perseverance, have the power to define ourselves and to control our destiny.


We believe each person is valuable and we demonstrate respect by following our community norms.


We have integrity; we are accountable for our decisions and actions and their impact on self and community.


We are life-long learners who aspire to and achieve academic excellence.

Making Waves Academy (“MWA” or “the school”) is an equal opportunity employer. It is the policy of the school to afford equal employment and advancement opportunity to all qualified individuals regardless of actual or perceived disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, citizenship, immigration status, religion, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, medical condition, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes in the California Penal Code. This policy extends to all job applicants and employees and to all aspects of the employment relationship  including:  hiring,  training,  transfer,  promotion,  discipline,  termination, compensation and benefits of existing employees.
To comply with applicable laws ensuring equal employment opportunities to qualified individuals with a disability, the school will make reasonable accommodations for the known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or an employee unless undue hardship would result.
Any applicant or employee who requires an accommodation in order to perform the essential functions of the job should contact the People Operations Office and request such an accommodation.  The individual with the disability should specify what accommodation they need to perform the job, or if unknown, what job duties are impaired by the disability. The school then will conduct an investigation to identify the barriers that interfere with the equal opportunity of the applicant or employee to perform the job.  The school will identify possible accommodations, if any, that will help eliminate the limitation.  If the accommodation is reasonable and will not impose an undue hardship, the school will make the accommodation.
Inquiries, complaints, or grievances regarding equal opportunity employment as described in the text above, should be directed to: