College and Career Readiness
College & Career Counseling
Students must successfully complete a minimum number of course units to be promoted to the next grade level, earning a “C” or higher in a minimum of four “core classes” each year, earning at least 8 credits in courses required for graduation. Each successfully completed semester course earns 1.0 credit. Students who do not successfully earn this minimum number of credits may be retained in their current grade level and reclassified into a different Wave.
Our Philosophy
Fit. We believe in working with our students and their families to select the post-secondary options that are the best fit for them. We understand that students are more likely to feel more comfortable, be persistent, be successful, and ultimately graduate if they pursue a pathway that makes sense to their life dream. To this end, we help students identify three forms of “fit”: Financial, Academic and Cultural.
- Financial Fit. We encourage students and families to consider the “cost of attendance” for college and whether or not different college choices are fiscally viable and do not rely on the student or family to take on significant debt. Our goal is that students graduate from college with minimal debt.
- Academic Fit. We help students consider and assess whether or not a college or university's academic profile might be a good match. We also ensure that we support students if they are interested in non-college options by determining their desires and academic interests beyond the traditional 2-year and 4-year options.
- Cultural Fit. We encourage students to gather a variety of data points about colleges and universities to assess whether or not the schools they are considering are a good cultural fit for them through school visits, “fly-in” programs, summer programs, talking to college reps and current and former students, and research online.
- Identity. We believe in meaningful engagement through the post-secondary selection process. We push students to grow their identities intentionally, discover their voices, and embrace old and new passions. The college admissions process is structured towards students owning the process while keeping parents informed.
- Advocacy. We believe in teaching self-advocacy as essential to success throughout the post-secondary process. Similarly, we advocate actively on behalf of all of our students. We want the college admissions process to mirror some of the processes and challenges they will face once they are on college campuses where they will need to be able to advocate for themselves along with knowing when, where, and how to ask for help.
- Life Dream. There is more than one way to achieve one's life dream. Whether students want to work in trades like construction or learn how to code in a certificate program we will support all options and provide access to judgment-free support.
College & Career Counseling Center
The MWA College and Career Counseling (CCC) office is located in the Upper School, Building 4. All students and families are welcome! At the CCC, students and families can get information about the following:
- College and university admissions
- Academic planning
- Test preparation
- Career exploration
- Alternative post-secondary pathways
- Financial aid and scholarships
- Summer programs
- Internships and community service
- Enrichment opportunities
Note to College & University Admissions Representatives: MWA welcomes admissions representative visits throughout the school year; if you would like to schedule a visit, please send an email to
School hours:
Monday – Thursday 8:30am – 3:30pm
Friday 8:30am – 2:30pm